01 February 2021

A New Batch of Sewing Students Have Started!

After Covid-19 stop and re-start of the program we are pleased to say that we have a batch of new students have started the six month sewing program as well as a new sewing teacher starting. These women will be able to learn a trade - and skills that will enhance their family income, and help give their children increased educational opportunities. This extra income will be very important, as after the pandemic, many families lost breadwinners or employment opportunities. As they work together over their six month program, smiles and happy conversation, as well as increased confidence and self-esteem are evident in the women.
Approximately 150 students have now completed the 6 month sewing and tailoring program.


01 June 2021

News from Open Hands Education Free School for Children in Dadawan Village

The school has recovered well after the long break during Covid-19 times. Many new families are requesting that their children attend the school. During and after the pandemic, these families suffered a lot in many ways. This includes loss of family members/breadwinners to illness, loss of employment and reduced income after the pandemic. As a result many can no longer afford to pay for school or uniform fees, and their children have had to drop out of the schools they were attending. In these reduced circumstances, they have asked if their children can attend Open Hands School and we have taken in as many as possible. Space is getting tight but everyone, including the generous teacher, does their best to accommodate more children.


22 October 2021

School Children Receive School Bags/Packs and new Study Materials through a Generous Donor

When some extra funds became available through a new donor, a decision was made to give the children a treat - and this time it involved giving each of the 60 children in school a beautiful new school bag so that they could store their books and pens and papers - and enjoy a boost of pride in attending school and having their own school bag. New study materials, including workbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils etc. were also received by each child, along with some sweat treats. Everyone was very excited and happy!


25 December 2021

Open Hands Education School Children Have a Christmas Party!

The children made a "Thank You" sign to show their appreciation to sponsors who are providing financial support to the school. Each child also received new study materials as well as candy treats.