Building latrines (toilets) and hand-washing stations in the community to assist with sanitation, hygiene and general health

Providing warm blankets for poor elderly villagers in the cold winter months

A world where children have water access, sanitation and hygiene

Water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential for children and their families to live healthy lives. WASH is at the core of child health and development and is vital for each child’s well-being. In the past villagers had used the fields as toilets, which only caused increased illness. Water and soap for washing hands were not always available, and this also increased health concerns.

Open Hands Education Trust has built community latrines in the village so that people do not have to use the fields, as well as close-by hand-washing station. Safe, private toilets and hand-washing facilities with soap keep children and their families free from disease. WASH services at school mean that children can stay healthy and focus on learning. Open Hands Education Trust would like to continue to build more WASH facilities in Dadawan village, and surrounding villages, to help as many people as possible stay healthy and thrive.